He cannot wear the clothing of Ihram

He cannot wear the clothing of Ihram

Question :

A man desires to perform 'Umrah during Ramadhan, but he is not able to wear the Ihram clothing because he is crippled and paralyzed. Can he perform Umrah in his (normal) clothes and does he have to make expiation?


Yes, if the person is not able to wear the clothing of Ihram, then he wears whatever other clothing that is suitable and permissible for him. According to the people of knowledge he must either slaughter a sheep and distribute it among the poor people or feed six poor people, giving each poor person half a Sa of food, or fast three days. This is what the people of knowledge have said based on an analogy with what has been related concerning shaving the head, as Allâh said:
"And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal reaches its place of slaughter. So, whoever among you is ill or he has some ailment that bothers his head, he must give a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrificing an animal."

Indeed the Prophet explained the fasting is for three days, the charity is feeding six poor people, giving each poor person half a Sa' of food, and the sacrifice is to slaughter a sheep.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 125-126

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