Fasting while on Journey
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Fasting while on Journey


As you all know, the means of comfortable transportation are numerous, and all praise is due to Allah. And the traveller does not find any difficulty in fasting. So is it better for him to fast or break his fast?


The traveller is given the choice between fasting and breaking the fast. The apparent meaning of the Islamic evidences shows that breaking the fast is better especially if the fast is difficult upon the person. This is due to the Prophet's statement: It is not from righteousness to fast during travel. And His statement:Verily, Allah loves that His concessions are taken just as he hates for disobedience of Him to be done.Whoever fasts there is no sin upon if the fast is not difficult for him. If the Fast is difficult for him, then that is disliked for him (to fast). And Allah is Giver of success.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Page no 46 Vol: 2 Darusallam

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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