Fasting in Islam
الفئة: islamic articles

Fasting in Islam

Fasting meaning

Fasting in the absolute constipation about the thing, and if caught a person talking, or food did notspeak, did not eat, he said to him in the
language:fasting, and that is what the Quran: {I have vowed toRehman fast ', ie, silence and constipation to speak, and the meaning in the term Shara is to refrain from breaking the fast a whole day, from dawn sincere, until sunset, under the conditions set by the jurists and the definition agreed upon between the tap; and Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi'i Asthey increase at the end the word "structure" the intention in a bone of contention. Impose Ramadanfasting in the month of Sha'ban of the second yearof the migration of the Prophet to the city.

Types of Fasting

When Maliki, and Shafi'i, and Hanbali fasting is divided into four sections:
  • Fasting imposed: the fasting month of Ramadan and the performance of the judiciary, penance and fasting, and fasting votary.

  • Fasting elderly

  • Fasting is forbidden

  • Fasting Abomination

The Tap In it they said Ryan. The first view sees the vow not to impose a duty and therefore have the fasts are divided into eight sections:
  1. Chiama embargo imposed certain, as fast of Ramadan in the performance of his time.

  2. Fasting is obligatory imposed certain, spend as fast of Ramadan at the wrong time; his death, it is fasting month of Ramadan or in part, it does not have to spend time in particular, like fast and penance, it is the imposition of certain.

  3. Fast and specific duty, the designated vow.

  4. Fasting is a duty, an absolute vow.

  5. On behalf of herself.

  6. Fasting elderly.

  7. Fasting is desirable.

  8. Fasting hated high esteem or forbidden.

The second opinion believes that vows to impose and therefore is divided into seven sections:

  1. The imposition of a particular, which is his special time of Ramadan as fast performance, and designate vows.

  2. The imposition of non-specific, which has no special time; spend as fast of Ramadan, and the vow is appointed.

  3. To be a voluntary fast after the initiation of it, if someone wants to volunteer to fast on Thursday, for example. Then proceeded to where it must be orphaned, so that if a small fast sinning a sin, as well as it should be spent if the vow. Likewise, fasting is i'tikaaf votary, it is the duty as well.

  4. Fasting Muharram, fasted for days and holidays are Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and also defined by fasting on fasting for pilgrims and menstruating or bleeding following childbirth

  5. Fasting elderly: fasted on Monday and Thursday and the day of Arafa is the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah for non-pilgrims, and the fast of Ashura is the tenth of Moharram, and fasting six days of Shawwal.

  6. On behalf of herself.

  7. Fasting Abominatio

Staff of fasting

Pillars of fasting when the tap, and Hanbali corner and one which is to refrain from breaking the fast,Maalikis disagreed, he said some of them: The two pillars of fasting: one: constipation, second: the intention, and likely some of them that the intentioncondition.

Things that invalidate the fast

Invalidate the fast if the Muslim man or woman toany of:
  1. Eating
  2. Drinking
  3. Intercourse
  4. Maigom place of eating and drinking, such asneedles feeding
  5. To download semen desire of human-induced
  6. Induced vomiting
  7. Cupping
  8. Menstruation and postpartum.

Fast of Ramadan

Crystal Clear app kdict.png article: Fast of Ramadan
Ramadan fasting and the imposition of his years.
In the novel of the women, that the Messenger of Allah said: "God imposed fasting Ramadan, andSnnt you doing, it is fasted and stature of faith andhope of reward out of his sins, the day his mother bore him" O Adzena in the month of Ramadan,good Baarahm merciful and forgive the Muslimtmen and women living and the dead, Amin

A voluntary fast

  1. Fasting six days of Shawwal:
    From Abu Ayyub al-Ansari: The Prophet said: "Whoever fasts Ramadaan then follows it with six days of Shawwal as if he fasted the age".

  2. to fast the ninth of Dhu'l-Hijjah and confirm the day of Arafa is the Hajj:
    From Abu Qatada said: The Messenger of Allah: - "Fasting on the day of Arafah expiates two years ago and receiving, and fasting on Ashura expiates years ago," narrated by Bukhari and the group except al-Tirmidhi.

  3. Fasting is forbidden and confirm the sodomy and the day before and the day after:
    Ibn Abbas said: The Prophet - the city, he saw the Jews fasting on Ashura, he said: What is this? They said: a good day, when God saved Moses and the Children of Israel from their enemy, Moses fasted, he said - "I am more deserving of you Moses", fasted, and ordered to fast. Agreed. - Ibn 'Abbas said: When fasted Messenger of God - the day of Ashura, and ordered to fast, they said: O Messenger of God, It is a day venerated the Jews and the Christians ... He said: If the next year - God willing - fasted on the ninth day, he did not come next year , until he died, the Messenger of God -. Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawood. In the word Allah's Apostle said: If I met for the Osomen IX: (I mean the day of Ashura) Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim.

  4. Fasting more Shaaban: The Messenger of Allah used to fast more Shaaban. Aisha said: "I never saw the Messenger of God - never completed but the fasting month of Ramadan, and I never saw him more in the month of fasting in Sha'ban."

  5. Fasting the sacred months:
    The sacred months: November, Dhu'l-Hijjah, and Muharram, and Rajab. And so named because it deprives the fighting. Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of God, "the best fast after Ramadan is the month of Muharram, and the best prayer after the obligatory prayer of the night."

  6. Fasting on Monday and Thursday:
    From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet was the most fast Mondays and Thursdays, and was told to him? He said: "The business was every Monday and Thursday, God forgives every Muslim or every believer, but Almthajeryn they will say, most recently," narrated by Ahmed.

  7. To fast for three days of each month
    Abu Dhar al-Ghafari said the Messenger of Allah ordered us to fast three days of the month eggs; thirteen and fourteen and fifteen, and said, "is as fast a lifetime."

  8. Fasting on the day and Mushroom Day:
    Allah's Apostle said, "I like fast fast to God Daodukan fast days and fast days."

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