Excessive Movements in Prayer
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Excessive Movements in Prayer

Question :

I notice that some brothers during prayers in the mosque move excessively, or place one of their feet in front of the other, as if they are standing in the street. Does this invalidate the prayer?


Moving during prayers is essentially something detestable, unless it is due to necessity, in which case, it is divided into five categories: Essential movements, forbidden movements, detested movements, preferred movements and permissible movements.

As for the essential movements they are those upon which depends the correctness of the prayer, such as when one sees some filth on his headdress and is thus obliged to move in order to remove it. This is because Jibril came to the Prophet while he was leading the people in prayer and informed him that there was something harmful on his shoes and so he removed them while he was praying and continued to pray.Another example would be if someone informed a praying person that he was not facing the Qiblah, it would be obligatory for him to move until he was facing the Qiblah.

As for the forbidden movements, they are repeated and continuous needless movements. Because such movements invalidate the prayer; and whatever invalidates the prayer, it is impermissible to do it, because it is a form of mockery of Allah's Verses.

As for the preferred movements, they are movements undertaken in order to do something which is recommended in prayer, such as moving in order to straighten the row, or moving forward during prayer, when one sees a space in the row in front of him, or when a row becomes incomplete, so one moves forward to complete it, or other such movements through which a preferred action is performed in prayer, because this is done in order to perfect the prayer. This is why, when Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, prayed with the Prophet and he stood on his left side, the Prophet took him by his head from behind and placed him on his right side.

As for the permissible movements, they are limited movements due to need, or frequent movements due to an absolute necessity. As for the limited movements for some need, they are like the action of the Prophet when he was holding the daughter of Zainab, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (i.e. his granddaughter) in front of him when he stood, he held her, and when he prostrated, he put her down. And as for the frequent movements for the sake of necessity, they are as in the Words of Allah, the Most High:
Guard strictly (the five obligatory) As-Salawat (prayers), especially the middle Salah (i.e. the best prayer 'Asr) and stand before Allah with obedience (and do not speak to others during the Salah. And if you fear (an enemy) perform Salah (pray) on foot or riding. And when you are in safety, offer the Salah (prayer) in the manner in which He has taught you, which you knew not (before).

And there is no doubt that when someone prays while walking, his actions are frequent, but because it is due to necessity, it is permissible and it does not nullify his prayer.

As for the detested movements, they are those other than the aforementioned movements and this is the general rule regarding movements in the prayer.

So based upon this, we say to those whom the brother questioner has witnessed moving in prayer: This action of yours is detestable and it diminishes your prayers, and it is seen by all; you find the one who plays pointlessly with his watch, his pen, his headdress, his nose, his beard or anything else - all of this is disliked, unless it is repeated and continuous, in which case, it is forbidden and it invalidates the prayer.

As for placing one foot in front of the other, this should not be done either; in fact, it is the Sunnah for the two feet to be level with each other, indeed, the feet of all of the worshippers should be straight and parallel to each other. Indeed, straightening the rows is an obligation, it must be done; and when the people abandon it, they are guilty of sin and disobedience to the Messenger, who used to straighten the lines of his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and he would touch their chests and their shoulders and he would say:

"Do not differ, or your hearts will differ.» One day, after they had understood its importance, he saw a man whose chest stuck out from the row, and he said:

"O servants of Allah! Either you straighten up your rows, or Allah will place dissension between you.

The important thing is, that straightening the rows is an obligation and it is the responsibility of the Imam and the worshippers; he must inspect the rows and straighten them and they must straighten themselves and stand closely together.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 201-202-203-204

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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