Dying during Ramadhan

Dying during Ramadhan

Question :

The Messenger said:
"When Ramadhan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of the Fire are closed."
Does this mean that whoever dies during Ramadhan will enter Paradise without any reckoning?


The matter is not like this. Rather, this means that the gates of Paradise are opened as a motivation for the doers (of deeds) to make things easy for them to enter. The gates of the Fire are closed to prevent the people of faith from acts of disobedience so that they do not enter these gates. This does not mean that whoever dies during Ramadhan he will enter Paradise without any reckoning. The only people who will enter Paradise without a reckoning are those who the Messenger described in his saying:

"They are those who do not seek Ruqyah (incantation) to be performed for them, they do not practice cauterization (for healing), they do not believe in omens and they put their trust in their Lord."

This is considered along with their performing that which is obligatory upon them of righteous deeds.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 330

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