Dua When Meeting the Enemy
الفئة: Dua and Dhikr

Dua When Meeting the Enemy

اللَّهُمَّ مُنْزِلَ الكِتَابِ ، ومُجْرِيَ السَّحَابِ ، وهَازِمَ الأحْزَابِ ، اهْزِمْهُمْ وانْصُرْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ

Translation :

O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Mover of the clouds, Defeater of the tribes, defeat them and grant us victory over them.

Transliteration :

Allāhumma munzila-l-kitāb, wa mujriya-s-saḥāb, wa hāzima-l-aḥzāb, ihzimhum wa-n-ṣurnā ʿalayhim.


ʿAbdullāh b. Abī Awfā (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, on one of the days that he met the enemy, waited until the sun rose, the stood among the people and said: “O people, do not look forward to meeting the enemy, but ask Allah for well-being. When you meet them, be steadfast. And know that Paradise is under the shadow of swords.” Then he said [the above]. (Bukhārī 3025)

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الفئة: Dua and Dhikr