Dua for Protection From Hell-Fire, Punishment of the Grave and Trials
الفئة: Dua and Dhikr

Protection From Hell-Fire, Punishment of the Grave and Trials

✨ اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ ، وَمِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ ، وَمِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ ، وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيْحِ الدَّجَّالِ.

Translation :

O Allah, I seek Your protection from the punishment of the Hell-fire, and from the punishment of the grave, and from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the tribulation of Dajjāl, the false Messiah.

Transliteration :

Allāhumma innī aʿūdhu bika min ʿadhābi Jahannam, wa min ʿadhābil-qabr, wa min fitnati-l-maḥyā wal-mamāt, wa min sharri fitnati-l-Masīḥi-d-Dajjāl.


Abū Hurayrah (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) narrates that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When any one of you utters the tashahhud (in salah), he should seek refuge with Allah from four and should say [the above].” (Muslim 588)

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الفئة: Dua and Dhikr
people 6