Dua for Protection from Four Superficial Actions
الفئة: Dua and Dhikr

Dua for Protection from Four Superficial Actions

✨ اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ لَّا يَنْفَعُ ، وَعَمَلٍ لَّا يُرْفَعُ ، وَقَلْبٍ لَّا يَخْشَعُ ، وَقَوْلٍ لَّا يُسْمَعُ.

Translation :

O Allah, I seek Your protection from knowledge which does not benefit, actions which are not raised (to You), a heart which does not humble itself (in Your awe), and an utterance which is not accepted.

Transliteration :

Allāhumma innī aʿūdhu bika min ʿilmi-l-lā yanfaʿ, wa ʿamali-l-lā yurfaʿ, wa qalbi-l-lā yakhshaʿ, wa qawli-l-lā yusmaʿ.


Anas b. Mālik (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhā) reports that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would say [the above]. (Ahmad 13003)

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الفئة: Dua and Dhikr