Dua for Palestine
الفئة: Dua and Dhikr

Dua For Palestine

✨‘O Allah! Improve (help) the state of the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah! Grant ease to the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah! Have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad.

✨O Allah, help and protect the people of Palestine. O Allah, ease their pain and suffering. O Allah, bestower of Mercy, bestow your mercy on them. O Allah, open people’s hearts to give in this time of crisis. O Allah, help those who are in need, wherever they may be.”

✨Oh Allah, rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine! Oh Allah, rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine and in every place, Oh Lord of Majesty and Bounty!

✨Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.

✨Allah is sufficient for us and the best of those on whom to depend.

✨‘Allah — Exalted and Majestic is He— struck the faces of His enemies with wind, and thus Allah defeated them through the wind.’”

✨O Allah, we ask You to restrain them by their necks and we seek refuge in You from their evil.

✨O Allah! Take note of each one of these enemies of mine, so that You may deal with them. Kill every single one of them and do not spare anyone from among them.

✨Allah, Revealer of the Book, Swift to account, defeat the groups (of disbelievers). O Allah, defeat them and shake them.

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Dua and Dhikr