Do Eyedrops break the Fast?

Do Eyedrops break the Fast?

Question :

Does using eyedrops during the daytime in Ramadhan break the fast or not ?


The correct view is that drops do not break the fast, even though there is a difference of opinion between the people of knowledge concerning it. Some of them have said that if its taste reaches the throat, then it breaks the fast. However, the correct view is that it does not break the fast at all, because the eye is not an entrance (to the body). But if the person makes up the day of fasting to be safe and avoids the difference of opinion that if he tastes its taste in his throat (while fasting), there is no harm in that. Yet, the correct view is that it does not break the fast regardless of whether the drops were placed in the eye or the ear.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 266-267

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