Destroying built-up Graves
الفئة: The Book of Creed

Destroying built-up Graves


My brother died and one of our relatives built a raised- up grave on the surface of the earth with inscribed on it Verses from the Qur'an where he was buried. What is the ruling on this, and is it permissible to destroy this edifice?


It has been authentically reported that the Prophet forbade building over graves, plastering over them and writing upon them, and he ordered 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, saying:
"Do not leave any elevated grave without levelling it.

The reason for this is probably that it (such a grave) attracts people's attention and may be a cause of trial to the occupant of the grave, as the ignorant people will think that it is the grave of a 'saint' or a righteous leader, and they will become attached to it and take it as a place of worship at which they will pray. This has been prohibited, and what is reported that is allowed is to raise the grave only the height of a finger joint, in order that it be known that it is a grave, so that none may sit upon it or tread on it etc.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 204-205

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الفئة: The Book of Creed