Dealing with Relatives Who are Negligent with Religious Regulations
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Dealing with Relatives Who are Negligent with Religious Regulations

Question :

What should my stance be with my father, neighbors, relatives and friends who are either partly or totally remiss in their religious duties? I want to be sincere to them and help them, so what should I do?


The question is general in that the questioner says that they are either partly or totally remiss in the religious regulations. There are some regulations that are foundations of Islam, others are pillars, and others are Sunnah.

Your dealings with these people in terms of harshness or gentleness depend on your relation to them and on which practices they are negligent in. If they are your parents, you are required to be steadfast in advising them, and encouraging them to fulfill the religious duties that they are negligent in, or those they do not perform at all, doing so with wisdom and good manners. This is the way that Allah's friend Ibrahim demon- strated when he called his father to Tawhid. You must not obey them in a sin, but keep good company with them, and try to help them for the sake of Allah.

The same (calling with wisdom) applies to relatives, neighbors, and colleagues; if they heed your advice, they are your brothers in Islam. If they refuse by continually refusing to practice a foundation or pillar of Islam, or something that is compulsory, forsake their company. However, if they are remiss in what is Sunnah or recommended, then that is something that nobody (except he who Allah Almighty protects) is protected from. Don't forsake such a person, but cooperate and be sincere with him for his and for your betterment.

The Permanent. Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 343-344

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings