Breast-feeding After the Menopause is the Same as Breast-feeding Before it
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Breast-feeding After the Menopause is the Same as Breast-feeding Before it

Question :

What is the ruling on the milk of a woman who has reached post-menopausal age if she breast-feeds a child five times or more during the first two years of life? And does this milk cause prohibition, and who will be his father through breast-feeding, when the woman who breast-feeds might be without a husband?


Breast-feeding prohibits that which is prohibited by kinship; accordingly, the breast-feeding which was in- dicated (above) was five breast-feedings during the first two years, and based upon this, the breast-feeding woman will be a mother due to this breast-feeding, according to the generality of the Words of Allah, Most High:
"your foster mothers who suckled you."

Even if the milk had flowed after she reached the age of menopause. If she was married, then the son by breast-feeding would be a son to her and a son to the man to whom the milk was ascribed. If she was not married, meaning that she had not married, then she produced milk, then she would be a mother to this boy she had breast-fed, and he would have no father through breast-feeding, It is not surprising that the boy should have a mother through breast-feeding and no father, nor is it surprising that he should have a father through breast-feeding and no mother. In the first case, if there was a woman who breast-fed this child twice with milk and she had a husband, then that husband was parted from her and she married another man after the end of the waiting period, then she became pregnant by him and delivered a child and she fed the rest of the breast milk to the first child, she would be a mother to him through breast-feeding. This is because he had been breast-fed by her five times and he would have no father, because she did not breast-feed with the milk of a man five times or more. That is, she did not breast-feed with the milk of one man five times or more. As for the second case, it is when the child has a father through breast-feeding and no mother. For example, when there is a man who has two wives and one of them breast-feeds this child twice and the other one feeds him the remainder of the breast-feedings. In this situation, he will be a son to the husband because he was breast-fed five times with the milk ascribed to him, and he would not have a mother through breast-feeding, since he was only breast-fed by the first wife twice, and he was breast-fed by the second one three times.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 125-126

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings