Beads for Making Tasbih
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Beads for Making Tasbih

Question :

What is the Islamic ruling, in your view, regarding the usage of Al-Misbahah, a practice that many of us adhere to after completing the prayer?


It is better to use one's fingers to count while making Tasbik, and it is better to use only the right hand to do so, rather than using both the left and right hand. This is what is reported in the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ; he ordered counting remembrance and Tasbih on the fingers, saying that they will be questioned about that, and he counted the Tasbih on his right hand. As for using beads, doing so involves certain violations:

1) The Messenger of Allah guided us to using our fingers to make Tasbeeh, so using beads goes contrary to his instruction.

2) Using beads may sometimes lead to showing off, especially those who, for example, place a necklace of one-thousand beads around their neck, as if to say to others, "Look at us, we make Tasbih one-thousand times." I don't say that everyone who uses Al-Mishahah uses them for showing off, but I do say that the usage of beads may lead to it.

3) In most cases, when a person uses beads for Tasbih, his heart will be heedless. His concentration is shattered, and though his tongue is moving, his eyes are usually wandering, observing every passer-by.

For these reasons I say that it is better not to use beads; instead, one should use one's fingers to count, a practice that the Prophet ﷺ instructed us to adhere to. And Allâh Almighty knows best.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Page 369

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings