Az-Zakah on Wealth given as a Religious Donation and Similar Things
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Az-Zakah on Wealth given as a Religious Donation and Similar Things

There is no Zakah on Wealth that is given as a religious Donation!

Question :

At the University of King Saud, we have a savings account for the students that serves as means of collecting money. The University carries out this process by deducting a small portion from the stipends of the students. Then, from what is collected in this savings account, assistance is given to those students who are in need. Is Az-Zakah due on the sums of money in this savings account?


There is no Zakah due on the money in this mentioned account or anything similar to it. This is because this wealth has no owner. Rather, it is kept for different means of goodness like other wealth that is donated for good deeds (charity).

There is no Zakah on the Wealth of a religious Donation!

Question :

I have a sum of money from some philanthropists for the purpose of building a Masjid. It has remained with me for more than a year. Do I have to pay any Zakah on it or not?


There is absolutely no Zakah on this money, because its donors spent it in the way of Allâh. You must make haste in carrying out their request (to build the Masjid).

There is no Zakah on Wealth that is collected from a number of Individuals for a need

Question :

If there is a group and each person among them pays a portion of wealth, and they save it with the intent of benefiting from it in case some accidents happen to any of them may Allah forbid - and they need it for their general affairs, and they have had this sum for a year, is there any Zakah on it?


This wealth, and anything similar to it that is donated by their owners for the public benefit and assisting in good between the people, has no Zakah due on it. This is because it has been given by its owners in seeking the Face of Allâh. Also, its benefits are shared by their wealthy and their poor in helping to resolve the accidents that befall them. Therefore, due to this it is considered a donation from its owners having the ruling of collected charities to be spent on that which it was donated for.

Az-Zakah on the Wealth of religious Donations

Question :

Is Az-Zakah due on the wealth that is donated for Masjids?


There is no Zakah on wealth of donations for Masjids and Isimilar things. It is all the same, as there is a lack of personal ownership involved in these things.

There is no Zakah on the religious Donation

Question :

There is a group of date trees that happen to be in Al- Mughtarrah. It has six trees and they are irrigated with water. The farmer who cares for them gets 3/4th of the fruit and the one who donated them in a will gets 4th. Is Az- Zakak obligatory on the 4th of the fruit that is designated for the donor or not? This is while keeping in mind that the share of the donor is not sufficient for the person to whom it was willed. Therefore, the trees that the deceased person donated in his will are not harvested except every two years.


If the matter is as you have mentioned, then Az-Zakah is not obligatory on the portion of the donor, because it is a Waqf (religious donation). It is given entirely in righteousness and as a good deed.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 182-183-184

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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