Are there any Supplications and Adhkaar (Remembrance of Allah) for Friday and Saturday and the likes..?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Are there any Supplications and Adhkaar (Remembrance of Allah) for Friday and Saturday and the likes..?


There are some books which specifically mention Supplications and Adhkaar (words of remembrance) reported from the Messenger of Allaah ( SAW ), from them, for example, a book entitled “Ad-Duaa al-Mustajaab” in it are found supplications for every day of the week. There are Supplications and Adhkaar for Friday (Jumu’ah) and others for Saturday and the likes, so is adhering to these Adhkaar from innovation or are they from the Sunnah?


This book is not depended upon and its author is a Haatibul-Layl one who gathers together the corrupt and despicable with the good and fine; and the saheeh (authentic), the Da’eef (weak) and the Mawdoo’ (fabricated) [narrations altogether]. Hence it is not to be relied upon. And it is not permissible to single out any day or any night with anything except with evidence from al-Ma’soom (the infallible) (Úáíå ÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÓáÇã). So this book is not relied upon. Rather you should have recourse to other books, since that which is firmly established from the Messenger of Allaah ( SAW ) from the Adhkaar and supplications that are mentioned in the morning and evening, then that is legislated, and that which is not [established] then its not [legislated].
As for the book “Ad-Duaa al-Mustajaab” then it is not relied upon since its author is not worthy of that, as we have mentioned that he gathers together the corrupt and despicable with the good and fine; and the saheeh (authentic), the Da’eef (weak) and the Mawdoo (fabricated) [narrations altogether]. Indeed we have written with regards to that [i.e authentic supplications and adhkaar] a small treatise which we have entitled “Tuhfatul-Akhyaar bimaa Sahha min ad-D’iyyah wal-Adhkaar” so refer to it if you wish.

Source :
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fataawa Noor 'alaa ad-darb

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings