Animals slaughtered by Polytheists
الفئة: The Book of Creed

Animals slaughtered by Polytheists


If a person deems as lawful animals slaughtered by a Mushrik, and uses as an argument the Words of Allah:

"Eat, then, the meat of animals upon which the name of Allah is pronounced, if you believe in His Verses".

He claims that this Verse is self-explanatory, and does not accept any other argument. Is such a person to be considered as a disbeliever?


He who deems lawful consuming meat of animals slaughtered by a Mushrik is wrong, not a disbeliever because he is confused. The above-mentioned Verse does not support his claim, because it is unanimously agreed that the meat of animals slaughtered by a Mushrik is prohibited to consume. He who has the knowledge should clarify this to him..

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: The Book of Creed