Yemen is a country that is south of old Arabia, or Saudi Arabia now.

A long time ago, the ruler of Yemen was a bad man named Abraha.
The holy Ka'bah is in Makkah in Arabia. Makkah is a very special place. It was built by prophets Ibraheem and Isma'eela very long time ago. Allah told them to build it. Al-Ka'bahwas the first house of worship built on Earth. People in Arabia honored Al-Ka'bah and visited Makkah very often.
Abraha was very jealous.the people loved Al-Ka'bah and Makkah so much. People did not come to visit his own country, Yemen. He decided to build abig church in Yemen everybody to visit.
Abraha wanted people to love his church as much as Al-Ka'bah, even more. He even asked people tostop visiting Al-Ka'bah and come to his church instead.The Arabs did not listen, and kept on visiting Al Ka'bah. This made Abraha very mad. Some Arab swere in Abraha's church one and ruined a part of it. This made Abraha very angry. He decided todestroy Al-Ka'bah once and for all!
Abraha gathered a HUGE army and went to Makkah. He also took some HUGE elephants to help him destroy AlKa'bah.
He stopped just outside of Makkah and sent some of his soldiers to see what was around. On their way, they.tured the camels and herds of the people of Makkah. This would make it hard for the people of Makkah to fight Abraha. Many of the camels belonged to Abdul - Muttalib,the leader of Makkah..
Abdul-Muttalib went with some of his s5 to see Abraha.Abraha thought that Abdul-Muttalib was going to ask himanot to destroy Al-Ka'bah. Instead he asked Abraha to return his camels. Abraha asked Abdul-Muttalib why he was worrying about his camels and not about Al-Ka'bah.
Abdul-Mutallib told Abraha:
"I am the owner of the camels, so I protect them, while Al-Ka'bah has a Lord who will protect it."
Abdul Muttalib meant that Allah would look after the Al-Ka'bah.
Abraha did not believe this, and he shook his head and said:
"No one can stop me from destroying Al-Ka'bah!"
Abdul-Muttalib had iman, or faith,that Allah would protect Al-Ka'bah. Heordered the people to leave Makkah and go to the hills for safety. He then prayed to Allah to protect them and AlKa'bah from any harm.
The next morning, Abraha marched to Al-Ka'bah. He wanted to attack it with all of his elephants. Abraha had trained the lead elephant to obey orders like...
Sit! Go Forward!Turn around!
Abraha ordered the elephants to destroy Al-Ka'bah, but whenever they were told to go to Al-Ka'bah, they would run away from it. The elephants refused to destroy Al-Ka'bahbe cause they were obeying the commands of Allah, not Abraha!
Then all of a sudden, a flock of birds appeared in the sky.They were holding stones in their claws and beaks.
By the command of Allah, each bird dropped the stones onto Abraha and his army, causing a shower of stones.
These stones hit Abraha and his army, hurting them very badly. Abraha and his army were all destroyed. Allah stopped Abraha from destroying Al-Ka'bah. Abdul-Muttalib had trusted Allah, and his prayer was answered.
Allah saved His house,Al-Ka'bah.
He destroyed Abraha and his army.
Surat-ul-Feel - 105

﴿أَلَم تَرَ كَيفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصحابِ الفيلِأَلَم يَجعَل كَيدَهُم في تَضليلٍوَأَرسَلَ عَلَيهِم طَيرًا أَبابيلَتَرميهِم بِحِجارَةٍ مِن سِجّيلٍفَجَعَلَهُم كَعَصفٍ مَأكولٍ﴾ [الفيل: ١-٥]
[1]Alam tara kayfa fa'ala rabbuka bi'as-hab-il-feal
[2] Alam yaj'al kaydahum fee tadleel
[3]Wa'arsala 'alayhim tayran ababeel
[4] Tarmeehim bihijaratin min sijjeel
[5] Faja'alahum ka'asfim-ma'kool
[1] Didn't you know how your Lord dealt with the people of the elephant?
[2] Didn't He ruin their evil plan?
[3] And He sent against them birds in flocks,
[4] Striking them with stones of hard clay,
[5] And He made them like eaten straw.