Allâh Almighty Guarantees the Victory of His Religion But We Must Make the Effort
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Allâh Almighty Guarantees the Victory of His Religion But We Must Make the Effort

Question :

Some people have said that because Allâh Almighty has guaranteed the victory of His religion, the callers - who are serving Islam - are wasting their time. How can we refute these people?


Refuting such people is simple since their claim is that of rejecting the usage of the means. There can be no doubt that rejecting the means is a form of deviation in religion as well as intellectual foolishness.

Indeed, Allâh Almighty has guaranteed the victory of this religion, but only when efforts are exerted to cause that to happen. These efforts are exerted by those who propagate the religion, and explain it to the people.

This view is similar to the view of someone who says, "Don't get married, because if Allah Almighty decrees for you a son, that son will come." Or someone who says, "Don't strive for your sustenance, because if Allah Almighty decrees it for you, it will come." Yes, Allah Almighty says:
"Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Remembrance (i.e., the Qur'an) and surely. We will guard it (from corruption)."

Allah Almighty says this, though, because of His Knowledge that He is All-Wise and that results don't come without causes. Thus Allah Almighty decrees such causes as will protect this religion.

This is why we find that, when we study the early scholars of Islam, these scholars would write, speak, and clarify issues for people. Allâh Almighty protected His religion from innovated beliefs and actions through them. We should also do our duty in protecting this religion and in spreading it among the people by doing so the objective will be achieved.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 61-62

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings