Alcohol is Forbidden, and One Who Drinks it is a Sinner
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Alcohol is Forbidden, and One Who Drinks it is a Sinner

Question :

What is the ruling on a Muslim who drinks alcohol and does not accept advice. He rather excuses himself by saying: "Verily, Allah is the only One Who will call me to account." And he does not allow anyone to interfere in his affairs. Is it permissible for the Muslims to have dealings with him or not?


It is incumbent upon anyone among the Muslims who knows the truth to communicate it as much as he is able and to order the good and prohibit the evil as much as he is able.

If his advice is accepted, then all praise and thanks be to Allah.

And if not, the case of one who commits a sin, or renounces one of his legal obligations, must be submitted to the person in authority, in order to take the sinner in hand to prevent him from sinning.

The claim of one who drinks alcohol, and is insistent upon it, that no one may hold him accountable for his drinking, and not allowing anyone to interfere in his affairs is incorrect, if he drinks it openly. This is because it is a duty upon anyone who sees him drinking to rebuke him, according to his ability.

If he does not undertake what is incumbent upon him regarding the rebuking of the sinner, he will be punished for neglecting the obligation to communicate (the Message) and rebuke him. And the sin of one who openly drinks alcohol is not confined to the drinker alone; rather, the harm of it affects the whole community in this world and on the Day of Resurrection. Its consequences will be felt by the drinker and the one who failed to rebuke him and to take him in hand.

It is incumbent upon any Muslim who knows the situation of a sinner to abandon dealings with him, and not to keep company with him, except as much as is necessary in order to advise him and what he is forced to do. He must strive as much as he is able to inform the authorities, in order that they may inflict the legal punishment upon him as a deterrent for him and others, and to root out evil and corruption, and to cleanse the society of this disease.

May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 343-344

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings