• O Allah, to You be all praise. You are the light of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. To You be all praise. You are the sustainer of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. To You be all praise. You are the truth, Your promise is true, Your word is true, meeting You is true, paradise is true, hell is true, the Hour is true, the prophets are true, and Muhammad is true. O Allah, to You I submit, in You I trust, in You I believe, to You I turn, with You I argue, and to You I turn for judgment. Forgive me for what I have done, what I have delayed, what I have concealed, and what I have declared. You are the First and the Last; there is no deity except You.
  • O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and his family, as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and his family. You are indeed praiseworthy and glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family as You blessed Ibrahim and his family. You are indeed praiseworthy and glorious.
  • O Allah, I entrust ولاء غيث مصطفى حلا to You in their journey, so protect them for us. You are the best guardian, and You are the best protector.
  • O Allah, I entrust ولاء غيث مصطفى حلا to You, so protect them. O Allah, with Your eye that does not sleep and Your power that is never weakened, write for them safety from all harm. Protect them from the evils of this journey and return them to their home in complete health and well-being.
  • O Allah, protect ولاء غيث مصطفى حلا from all apparent and hidden trials. O Allah, decree righteousness and success for them. Make them, O Allah, among Your righteous and pious servants. Preserve them in their religion and character, and keep away trials from them.
  • O Lord, I ask You by every name that belongs to You, with which You have named Yourself, or revealed in Your Book, or taught to any of Your creation, or kept unknown in the unseen, to make Your mercy and kindness their companion in their journey. Make it easy for them, do not make it difficult, lessen the hardships of travel and loneliness for them, and grant them what they desire.
  • O Lord, protect ولاء غيث مصطفى حلا for I fear for them harm and danger. O Allah, I entrust them to You, so guard them with Your eye that does not sleep and return them to us safely, O Allah.
  • O Allah, protect ولاء غيث مصطفى حلا and bring them back to us safely, free from all harm and rich in every good. O Allah, protect them in their religion, trust, and the outcome of their deeds. Make their journey easy, and do not let any harm befall them. O Allah, alleviate their loneliness and remove their fears.
  • O Lord, I entrust their affairs in their journey to You, so be the best guardian and helper for them. Safely deliver them to us with well-being and abundance. Keep away from them sorrow, grief, and fears.
  • O Allah, I have beloved travelers close to my heart. Preserve them with Your ever-watchful eye.
  • O Lord, I hope that You accompany ولاء غيث مصطفى حلا with Your safety and kindness. Guide them to all that is good and protect them from all evil, hardship, and difficulty.
  • May Allah send peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad and his family.
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