• O Allah, Lord of the Great Throne, O Allah, Master of the Day of Judgment, O Allah, Sustainer of the heavens and the earth, Most Merciful of the heavens and the earth, You are the Subduer over Your servants, You are the Lord of the seven heavens and whatever is in them, O Possessor of the kingdom.
  • O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bestow blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You bestowed blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.
  • O Allah, make my father among the leaders of paradise, and make the Pond his drinking place, and make Your Messenger an intercessor for him, and make Your shade his shade, and the Sidrat a garment for him.
  • O Allah, expand his sustenance in old age and in the diminishing of his life, O Allah, forgive him all his past sins.
  • O Allah, make him in Your protection, safety, and excellence. O Allah, satisfy his eyes with what he wishes for us in this world, O Allah, make his time immersed in Your remembrance.
  • O Allah, You are the Most Generous, You love to forgive, so forgive my father. O Allah, make him among those to whom the Fire says: 'Pass through, for your light has extinguished my flames,' and to whom Paradise says: 'Enter, for you have longed for it before seeing it.'
  • O Allah, protect my father in the remaining years of his life, and provide him with a righteous deed that he is pleased with. O Allah, accept his repentance and answer his supplication. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from returning him to a lesser age, O Allah, seal his deeds with goodness.
  • O Allah, Possessor of Majesty and Honor, O Ever-Living, O Sustainer, I invoke You by Your Greatest Name, by which when You are called upon, You answer, to shower Your blessings, mercy, and sustenance upon my father.
  • O Allah, do not leave for him a sin except that You forgive it, nor a worry except that You dispel it, nor a need among the needs of this world and the Hereafter, the fulfillment of which is pleasing to You, except that You fulfill it. O Allah, do not leave for him any need in the care of anyone other than You. O Allah, satisfy his eyes with what he wishes for me in this world.
  • O Allah, clothe him in health until he is content with life, and seal it for him with forgiveness so that sins do not harm him.
  • O Allah, shield him from all hardships until he reaches Paradise, by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
  • O Allah, make his time filled with Your remembrance, make him happy with Your fear, place him in Your protection, safety, and excellence.
  • O Allah, provide him with a comfortable life, a peaceful sustenance, and a righteous deed. O Allah, grant him Paradise and whatever draws him closer to it in word or deed, and keep far from him and from whatever draws him closer to it in word or deed.
  • O Allah, make him among those who remember You, are grateful to You, obedient to You, and repentant to You. O Allah, expand his sustenance in old age and in the diminishing of his life.
  • O Allah, forgive him all his past sins, protect him in the remaining years of his life, and provide him with a righteous deed that he is pleased with. O Allah, accept his repentance and answer his supplication. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from returning him to a lesser age, O Allah, seal his deeds with goodness. O Allah, amen.
  • O Allah, help us to be dutiful to him, until he is pleased with us and You are pleased with him. O Allah, help us to be kind to him in his old age. O Allah, please him with us. O Allah, do not let him pass away except that he is pleased with us completely. O Allah, help us to serve him as he deserves from us.
  • O Allah, make us obedient and kind to him, make us pleased with him, and seek refuge with You from being disobedient to him. O Allah, make us pleased with him, and seek refuge with You from being disobedient to him. O Allah, make us pleased with him, and seek refuge with You from being disobedient to him. Amen. And may Allah bless and grant peace to our Master Muhammad and his family and companions altogether.
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