• O Allah, all praise is due to You. You are the light of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You. You are the sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You. You are the truth, and Your promise is true, and Your word is true, and meeting with You is true, and Paradise is true, and Hellfire is true, and the Hour is true, and the Prophets are true, and Muhammad is true. O Allah, I have submitted to You, and I have relied upon You, and I have believed in You, and I have turned to You, and I have disputed with You, and I have taken my dispute to You. So forgive me for what I have advanced and what I have deferred, and what I have concealed and what I have made public. You are the Advancer, and You are the Delayer. There is no deity worthy of worship except You.
  • O Allah, send peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his family, as You have sent peace and blessings upon Ibrahim and his family. Indeed, You are praiseworthy and glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family, as You have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Indeed, You are praiseworthy and glorious.
  • O Allah, fulfill the needs of عبدالرحمن , and alleviate their loneliness, and relieve their distress, and grant them a righteous spouse, for You are All-Seeing of their situation, O the Responder to the desperate when they call upon You. Untie their knot and grant them security from fear.
  • O Allah, grant عبدالرحمن a righteous spouse and facilitate their marriage. O Allah, grant them patience and grant them near relief. There is no deity worthy of worship except You, and there is no power or strength except with You.
  • O Allah, grant عبدالرحمن a righteous spouse from Your side, and make love, mercy, and tranquility between them, for You have power over all things. You say to a thing, "Be," and it is.
  • O Allah, You who subjected the strong for the weak, and subjected the jinn and the wind for our prophet Sulaiman, and subjected the birds and the iron for our prophet Dawood, and subjected the fire for our prophet Ibrahim, O Allah, subject for عبدالرحمن a righteous spouse, who fears You, O Lord of all the worlds, by Your power, strength, dignity, and might. You alone are capable of that, and there is no partner with You.
  • O Allah, O Compassionate, O Bestower of bounties, O Possessor of majesty and honor, O Originator of the heavens and the earth, O Ever-Living, O Self-Subsisting. O Allah, I ask You to grant عبدالرحمن a righteous spouse who will support them in their religious and worldly matters, for You are capable of all things. O Allah, forgive our sins and purify our hearts from sins.
  • O Allah, You who are aware of all our conditions, fulfill all our needs, overlook all our sins and slips, accept all our good deeds, forgive us, and we ask You, our Lord, for a way out in our lives and in the Hereafter. O Allah, O Answerer of supplication, O Helper of the needy, O Merciful to the weak, answer our prayer and hasten to fulfill our needs, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
  • There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the Mighty, the Forbearing. There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the Lord of the mighty throne. There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the noble throne.
  • You, who said to a thing, "Be," and it is, our Lord, grant us goodness in this world and in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the Fire. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
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