The travel of the Mutamatti' to Jeddah does not break his Tamattu (combination of 'Umrah and Hajj)

The travel of the Mutamatti' to Jeddah does not break his Tamattu (combination of 'Umrah and Hajj)

Question :

I assumed Ihram for 'Umrah and my intention was to perform Hajjut-Tamattu'. Then after 'Umrah I left to Jeddah. So, am I considered a Mutamatti' if I return and complete my Hajj?


The correct view is that this person has not left his state of At-Tamattu by this (travel to Jeddah). If he entered Makkah as a Mutamatti' after Ramadhan, assuming Ihram for 'Umrah and intending Hajj with it, then after completing 'Umrah he left to At-Ta'if or Jeddah for some needs, the correct view is that he remains a Mutamatti'.

Some of the people of knowledge have said that if he leaves, traveling the distance of what is considered a journey and he returns for Hajj, assuming Ihram for it, then by this he has broken his state of Tamattu' and he is a Mufrid (performing Hajj by itself). A group of the people of knowledge has said this. The view that is closest to the truth, if Allâh wills, and the most apparent is that by these dealings between Hajj and Umrah he does not become a Mufrid. Rather, he remains in the state of At- Tamattu' unless he returns to his land, then comes back for Hajj as a Mufrid. In that case he is a Mufrid and he does not have to sacrifice an animal. This is the view of some of the people of knowledge and it has been reported from 'Umar and his son. And success is from Allâh.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 99

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