The Story of Prophet Is'haq عليه السلام

The Story of Prophet Is'haq عليه السلام

The good news

After Ibraheem and Isma'eel had built Al-Ka'bah, Prophet Ibraheem returned to Palestine. There Allah rewarded him again for his obedience and hard work. God sent His angels to visit Prophet Ibraheem. They were disguised as young men. He greeted them as guests. Ibraheem was known to love receiving guests. He brought them a delicious roasted calf, but they did not eat. So, he became wary of them. According to the custom at that time it was a very bad thing if guests refused to eat the food provided by the host. This must have meant that they were planning something bad.

Hadeeth Shareef

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :"من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليكرم ضيفه"

Abu Hurayrah Narrated that Rasoolullah SAW said : Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him generous to his guest."
Reported in Al Bukhari and Muslim

The angels comforted Prophet Ibraheem. They told him that they were angels and that they do not eat or drink. They also told him that part of their mission was to destroy Lut's People, the peo- ple of Sodom, because they were so evil.

The Birth of Is'haq

Sarah, Prophet Ibraheem's wife was standing by Prophet Ibraheem. The angels gave her great news. They told her that she would bear a son named is'haq, or Isaac. They also told her that she would live to see her grandson Ya'qoub, or Jacob. Sarah couldn't believe her ears; she never expected to have a baby at her very old age. How could she have a son at the age of ninety? Her hus- band was almost a hundred years old! The angels reminded her that if Allah wanted some- thing to happen, it would.

Ibraheem was 99 years old when Is'hag was born and Isma'eel was 13 years old. This was not the first time Ibraheem had seen a miracle. When Isma'eel was born, Prophet Ibraheem had been 86 years old.

Prophet Ibraheem was very thankful to Allah for giving him Isma'eel and Is'haq in his old age. He praised Allah and prayed to him. Let's learn what Prophet Ibraheem said in his prayer:

﴿الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذي وَهَبَ لي عَلَى الكِبَرِ إِسماعيلَ وَإِسحاقَ إِنَّ رَبّي لَسَميعُ الدُّعاءِ۝رَبِّ اجعَلني مُقيمَ الصَّلاةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتي رَبَّنا وَتَقَبَّل دُعاءِ۝رَبَّنَا اغفِر لي وَلِوالِدَيَّ وَلِلمُؤمِنينَ يَومَ يَقومُ الحِسابُ﴾ [إبراهيم: ٣٩-٤١]

39. Alhamdu lillah-il-lathee wahaba lee 'alal-kibari Isma'eela wa-Is'haqa inna rabbee lasamee-ud-dua'a

40. Rabb-ij'alnee muqeema-ssalati wamin thurriyyatee rabbana wtaqabbal du'aa

41. Rabbana ghfir lee waliwalidayya walilmu'mineena yawma yaqoom-ul-hisab Praise be to Allah, Who has given me in old age Isma'eel and Is'haq; surely my Lord hears prayers. [14:39] My Lord! Make me one who establishes prayer and my children (too), O our Lord, and accept my prayer. [14:40]
O our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and the believers on the Day of Judgment! [14:41]

Brothers and Messengers

The two children of Ibraheem were very special.

Both Isma'eel and Is'hag became messengers of Allah. Their offspring became prophets too. Is'haq's son was Ya'qoob (Jacob), and Ya'qoob's son was Yousuf, or Joseph. Both were were messengers of Allah. Isma'eel's children were not prophets, but his great grand child was the last of all messengers; he was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Prophet Ishaq taught Islam to all the people in Palestine. He was a great and very knowledgeable messenger. His children learned great things from him and were good people.

The Death of Prophet Ibraheem

When Prophet Ibraheem was more than two hundred years of age, he passed away. Historians tell us that Prophets Isma'eet and Is'haq were with him when he died in Al-Khaleel, or, Hebron. Together, they buried their father there. Later, people built a masjid next to his grave. Years after the death of Prophet Ibraheem, both Isma'eel and Is'haq died too. Isma'eel was buried in Makkah and Is'hag was buried next to his father in Al-Khaleel.

Al-Khaleel: The City of Prophet Ibraheem

Al-Khaleel is a city in Palestine located south of Jerusalem. It is called Al- Khaleel after Prophet Ibraheem, who is also called Khaleel-Allah, or "Friend of God". The English name of the city is Hebron. Prophet Ibraheem, his wife Sarah and his son Prophet Is'haq were all buried there.

Al-Khaleel, or Hebron, is one of the oldest cities in the world. Visitors can see many interesting features there: the narrow, winding streets, the flat-roofed stone houses, the bazaars, and the mosque of Al-Haram Al-Ibraheemi. The mosque is built on top of the cave that is believed to hold the tombs of Ibraheem and his family. In the top of this cave is Al-Ibraheemi Mosque.

Israel occupied by force Al- Khaleel, Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, during the Six-Day War. The population of Al-Khaleel is around 75,000, and is mostly Arab-Muslim. Since the occupation began, Israelis have settled there.

Muslims around the world wish that peace would return to Al-Khaleel, the city of Prophet Ibraheem, and other cities in Palestine.

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