The ruling on stoning all of the Pillars in One Day

The ruling on stoning all of the Pillars in One Day

Question :

Is it permissible for the Hajj pilgrim to stone the pillars for all the days of At-Tashreeq in one day, regardless of whether that day was the first day of the days of At-Tashreeq or it was the day of Sacrifice, for example, or it was the last of the days of At-Tashreeq? Then the person spends the night in Mina for the two days or the three days without stoning, as he has stoned all of the pillars in one day. Is this stoning of his correct or does he have to keep the sequence of stoning for the days, doing each day individually, until he completes stoning for the three days? We hope for some clarification of that along with mentioning the evidence.


Stoning the pillars is from the obligations of the Hajj. It is obligatory on the day of the 'Eid and the three days of At- Tashreeq for whoever is not in a hurry to leave. It is obligatory for the first two days of At-Tashreeq for the person who is in a hurry to leave. He stones on each day after midday. This is based on the action of the Prophet and his statement:
"Take your Hajj rites from me."

It is not permissible to perform the stoning of the pillars before its time. In reference to delaying the stoning, that is permissible if there is an urgent need to do so, such as crowding, according to a group of the people of knowledge. This is based on an analogy with the shepherds, because the Prophet allowed them to combine the stoning for two days on the second day of them, which is the 12th, and to do it in sequence with the intentions. The first is for the day of the 'Eid, then he stones for the first day, and then the second day. If he is not in a hurry to leave he stones for the third day, and the Farewell Tawaf is performed after that. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 251-252

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