The Ruling on Sterilization and Being Childless

The Ruling on Sterilization and Being Childless

Question :

What do scholars Islamic Jurisprudence say regarding the question of birth control, human sterilization and vasectomy-whether voluntarily or compulsorily? Is it permissible in Allah's religion? Please give a clear explanation in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah, may Allah reward you, because the scholars in our country, India, have differed regarding this question, some of them declaring it permissible, while others declared it forbidden, and still others remain silent. We, the Muslims of India are in doubt regarding this matter and we do not know whether it affects our religion or not.

And is this behavior an interference in the Muslims' religion or not? And is it permissible for any government which calls for freedom of religion and non-interference in religious affairs to forcefully implement birth control and to concen- trate on the Muslims in this matter, whether voluntarily or by force? Please explain and elucidate, may the Inventor of Allah things reward you with the best of rewards. And may the peace of Allah and His mercy and blessings be upon you.


All praise and thanks be to Allah, Alone and may peace and blessings be upon him after whom there is no Prophet and upon his family and Companions. As for what follows:

It is well known in the Islamic religion that the action mentioned in the question is detested and an act of injustice towards the (Muslim) peoples. Indeed, it is an injustice against all mankind. It is not permissible for any government whether Islamic or otherwise to implement it, because sterilization for men or women is a great injustice which includes many kinds of corruption and evil consequences. It contradicts the legal evidences from the Book (of Allah) and the Sunnah, and it goes against the innate nature upon which Allah created His creatures, and it contradicts that which is demanded by sound intellect, which implores seeking the general good of mankind.

If this occurs among the Muslims, there lies therein a great harm, It causes the reduction in their numbers, against their enemies, and it contradicts the established authentic Hadiths from the Messenger of Allah in which there is guidance to embrace the increase of population. He said that he will have the largest number of followers on the Day of Resurrection.

Likewise therein (i.e., in birth control) there is a reduction in the number of those who worship Allah Alone and call to His Law, and help in the establishment of justice in the land. In short, the aforementioned sterilization is one of the most evil acts of injustice and Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful has said:
"And whoever among you does wrong (i.e. sets up rivals to Allah), We shall make him taste a great torment.

and the Prophet said:
"Beware of injustice, because injustice is darkness on the Day of Resurrection.

The proofs for the prohibition of sterilization, and that it is a form of injustice the performance of which is forbidden by the Book (of Allah) and the Sunnah are very numerous.

So we ask Allah to guide whoever does this detested deed to return to what is correct, and to grant success to the Muslims in every place to achieve what strengthens them and unites their voices upon the Truth, and to help them against those who violate the Command of their Lord. Verily, He is All-hearing, Near. And may peace and blessings be upon His servant and His Messenger, our Prophet, Muhammad SAW.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 328-329-330

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