The Ruling on One Who Makes a Bequest for an Animal to be Slaughtered After His Death

The Ruling on One Who Makes a Bequest for an Animal to be Slaughtered After His Death

Question :

A person says that his mother wrote a bequest to her son before her death, that he slaughter an animal after she that he should slaughter it and invite her neighbors, died the people of her community, those who attended the funeral and helped in digging the grave and burying her therein to eat it. Should I undertake to fulfill her bequest?


If the intention of this slaughter is only to maintain neighborly and family ties and reward those who helped to prepare her, then we do not see any objection to the implementation of her bequest, and there is no sin upon those who eat it. Whether this bequest of her's was implemented using her money or her son's money, it would appear that it makes no difference to its permissibility. However if it is a continuing custom, such as those who customarily slaughter an animal for the dead one week after their demise, or forty days, or a year and so on, or in order to hold a wake for the deceased, then this is not permissible, because of the innovation and contradiction to the Islamic Law which it entails. Therefore, such a bequest as this should not be implemented. And Allah knows best. And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon all his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Page 75

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