The Ruling on One Who goes out to pray and leaves His Sons in the House

The Ruling on One Who goes out to pray and leaves His Sons in the House

Question :

Many Muslims living close to the mosques - may Allah guide them go to prayer and leave their grown up sons - some of them married behind, and they do not order them to pray, fearful of annoying them or causing them to leave as some of them say especially the Fajr prayer. What is incumbent upon the guardian who does this, and is his prayer correct and does it absolve him from responsibility and his sons whom he leaves behind, who do not attend the congregational prayer?


We say that this man who comes to prayer, leaving his family, if it is due to neglect in not ordering them to pray and not forbidding them from abandoning it, then he has committed a mistake by not bringing them up properly and instructing them. But his prayer is correct and there is no sin in it. And if he is unable, ordering them and forbidding them, while they do not obey, then it is incumbent upon him to report them to the authorities, so that he be not held accountable before Allah; and the authorities must take the necessary action if they are informed of it.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 390-391

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