The Ruling on Money Which Has Been Bequeathed For An Innovation

The Ruling on Money Which Has Been Bequeathed For An Innovation

Question :

A says: "I have some students of (religious) knowledge in the Seared City of Al-Madinah saying that hiring a person to recite the Qur'an with the intention of (benefitting) the deceased is not legislated. Since this is widespread in some countries, what should be done with the money which was left for reading the Qur'an with the intention of (benefitting) the deceased.


Hiring someone to recite the Qur'an with the intention of (benefitting) the deceased, in accordance with a bequest which he has made, is one of those innovated matters. It is not permissible to do this, nor is it correct, according to the words of the Prophet :
"Whoever performed a deed which is not from this matter (i.e., religion) of ours, will have it rejected."

As for the money which the deceased bequeathed to hire a reciter, with the intention of (benefitting) the deceased, it should be spent on charitable deeds. If he has poor descendants, he may give enough charity to them to cover their needs. Likewise, whoever needs help among those who are learning the Qur'an and the students of Islamic knowledge, they have more right to help from this money, and similarly with the other types of good works. And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 72-73

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