The Ruling on Men using Kohl

The Ruling on Men using Kohl

Question :

What is the ruling on men using kohl!] on the eyes, without any reason (such as eye inflammation, infection etc.)


The use of kohl falls into two categories: One is the use of kohl in order to strengthen the eyesight, to clear cloudiness from the eyes and to clean them and purify them, not in order to beautify them to this there is no objection. In fact, it is something which should be done, as the Prophet used to apply kohl to his eyes, especially if it is with pure antimony. The other is the use of kohl for the purpose of beautification, and this is for women, as the woman is expected to beautify herself for her husband; but as for men, I do not know what the ruling is.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 392-393

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