The ruling on going out to the Graveyards on the Night of the 'Eid and visiting them

The ruling on going out to the Graveyards on the Night of the 'Eid and visiting them

Question :

We have a custom in the village that during the night of Eidul-Fitr or the blessed night of 'Eidul-Adhha, when the people know that the next day will be the 'Eid, they go out to the graves at night. They light candles on the graves of their deceased and they invite the Shaykhs to come and recite Qur'an over the graves. Is this deed correct?


This is a false and forbidden deed, and it is a cause for the curse of Allâh. For verily, the Prophet cursed the women who visit the graves, those people who establish Masjids over them and those who put lights at them. Going out to the graveyards on the night before the 'Eid, even to visit them, is an innovation. For verily, it is not reported from the Prophet that he would specify the night before the 'Eid or the day of the 'Eid for visiting the graveyard. Indeed it is confirmed from him that he said:
"Beware of the newly invented matters. For verily every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance is in the Fire."

Thus, it is obligatory upon the person to seek in his acts of worship - and in everything he does in seeking to draw nearer to Allah - the Shari'ah (law) of Allah, the Blessed and Most High. Because the fundamental principle in the acts of worship is prohibition and forbiddance (i.e., acts of worship are forbidden), except for that which has an evidence that proves its sanction- ing. What the questioner mentioned of lighting up the graves on the night before the 'Eid, an evidence proves its prohibition and that it is from the major sins, just as I pointed out previously. This is due to the fact that the Prophet cursed the women who visit the graves, those people who establish Masjids over them and those who light them up.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 128-129

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