The Ruling on Changing One's Mathhab

The Ruling on Changing One's Mathhab

Question :

Are the Mathhabs that are sanctioned by Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah only four? And what is the ruling on adhering to one particular Mathhab? And is it allowed to change one's Mathhab?


These Mathhabs were recorded during the early period of Islam. The sayings and opinions of these Imams became well known and groups of people followed them and the correctness of what they were following was evident to these people. But after them came followers who were fanatical and inflexible in support of their Mathhab, and in rejecting authentic Hadiths. Therefore the early followers are excused, as opposed to those to whom the truth has been made clear. It is not necessary to adhere to one particular Mathhab. Rather, when it becomes clear that any of the Imams holds the correct view, it is obligatory to follow him, and it is not permitted to change from one Mathhab to another simply in accordance with one's whim or for the sake of the permission to do something, for this is a great disobedience.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 365-366

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