The ruling on changing from Hajjul-Ifrad to Hajjul-Qiran

The ruling on changing from Hajjul-Ifrad to Hajjul-Qiran

Question :

It has been mentioned in some books of Hadith that the Hajj pilgrim who is a Mufrid is not allowed to change from Al-Ifrad to Al-Qiran. Is this correct?


The Messenger ordered the Hajj pilgrims who were performing Al-Ifrad and Al-Qiran to change their Hajj (alone) and their Qiran to 'Umrah, and no one has any say equal to the Messenger of Allâh. So, the Messenger gave this order to his Companions during the Farewell Hajj and they were of three categories. A group of them had assumed Ihram for Al- Qiran, meaning they said the Talbiyyah for Hajj and Umrah. A group of them said the Talbiyyah for Hajj alone as Al-Ifrad. Another group said the Talbiyyah for 'Umrah. The Prophet said the Talbiyyah for Hajj and Umrah together, meaning that he was a Qarin, because he had brought his sacrificial animal with him. Therefore, he ordered them to make their Ihram for 'Umrah when they came near Makkah, except for whoever had the sacrificial animal with him. So, when they entered Makkah, they performed Tawaf and Sa'y, and he stressed upon them to get their hair cut and remove their Ihram, except for whoever had the sacrificial animal with him. Thus, they heard and obeyed, and they cut their hair and removed their Ihram. This is the Sunnah for whoever comes as a Mufrid or a Qarin and he does not have a sacrificial animal with him. This is so that he may relax and not be burdened. Then, when the 8th day (of Thul-Hijjah) comes, he assumes Ihram for the Hajj. What this contains of tremendous good is obvious, because if the Hajj pilgrim remains in Ihram from the first of Thul-Hijjah or from the middle of Thul-Qa'dah while refraining from all that the person in Ihram is prohibited from, that will be difficult on him. Therefore, this ease from Allâh, glory is unto Him, the Most High, should be accepted. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 107-108

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