The Reason for the Prohibition of Women Visiting the Graves

The Reason for the Prohibition of Women Visiting the Graves


What is the reason for the prohibition of women visiting the graves?


Firstly, a strong prohibition of this has been reported from the Prophet in his words:

"Allah cursed those women who visit the graves.

And his words to Fatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, when she visited some people to offer her condolences on their bereavement:

Should you accompany them to the graves, you would not see Paradise..

Secondly, the reason has been reported in the words of the Prophet to the women who followed a funeral procession:

"Return, O veiled women, who will have no reward, for you are a trial to the living and a harm to the dead

So he made clear that there are two reasons for their prohibition of visiting the graves: Because they are a Fitnah for the living, since a woman is weak, and her presence before males to whom she is not related causes temptation and leads to sins. Likewise, she harms the dead, for a woman has little patience and her heart is weak; she cannot bear calamity, and cannot restrain herself from lamentation, weeping and wailing and screaming about the good qualities of the dead person. All of this is forbidden by Islamic law.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 172-173

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