The Meat of Animals Which Were Not Slaughtered

The Meat of Animals Which Were Not Slaughtered

Question :

Is it permissible for the Muslim to eat the meat sold by the Europeans, which was not slaughtered, and is dead meat, when we are able to purchase chickens, rabbits and sheep and we have the ability to slaughter them?


If the situation is as you have stated that the meats of the chickens, rabbits, sheep and the like which are available to you are the meats of animals which were not slaughtered, and that they are dead meat, then it is not permissible to you, the community of Muslims, to eat them, except in cases of necessity in which it is permissible to eat the meat of dead animals. You have mentioned in your question that you are able to slaughter what you need, in accordance with Islamic rites. So slaughter for yourselves in an Islamic manner and abstain from those meats which were slaughtered in the manner described in the question, because they are unclean.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 350

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