The Meaning of: 'I would be his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees.'

The Meaning of: 'I would be his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees.'


What is the meaning of the statement made by Allah, the Exalted, in the Sacred Hadith:
"And if I love him, I will be his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he assaults, and his leg on which he walks.»


When a Muslim fulfills his duties, and exerts efforts in performing supererogatory acts of obedience, and continues doing so, Allah, the Exalted, will love him, and support him in everything he does. When he hears, Allah helps him hear the best only, and accept only the truth and shun falsehood. And when he sees with his eyes or heart, he sees by light from Allah, thus to be guided by Allah with penetrating insights, by the support and success from Allah. He sees the truth as truth, and falsehood as falsehood. And when he assaults, he assaults with power from Allah in support of the truth. And when he walks, his walking would be only in obedience to Allah seeking knowledge, or fighting in the cause of Allah.

In general, all his internal and external actions are accomplished by guidance and power from Allah, the Exalted.

Thus, it is clear that there is no proof in the above Hadith of the indwelling or incarnation of Allah in His creatures, or His union with any of them. This fact is also clarified by the statement which occurs at the end of the above Hadith, in which Allah says:
"...and if he asks Me, I will give him; and if he seeks My protection I will protect him.

In other versions, it is mentioned that Allah, the Exalted, says:
"So by Me he hears, and by Me he sees etc. It is obvious that the opening statement of the Hadith indicates clearly that there are a supplicant and the supplicated, and protection seeker and a protector. This Hadith is similar to another Sacred Hadith in which Allah, the Exalted, says:
"O my servants! I was sick but you did not visit Me".

In each of these Hadith, the opening statement is explained by the concluding statements. Those who follow their whims, they adhere to allegorical texts and turn away from self- explanatory texts, and stray away from the right path. Allah is the one who grants success. May Allah exalt our Prophet Muhammad, his household, and Companions.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 59-60

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