The Leather Sock which may be Wiped over

The Leather Sock which may be Wiped over

Question :

Are the leather socks which it is permissible to wipe over of a specified kind, or can any leather socks be wiped over?


Wiping over leather socks is lawful if they cover the feet and the ankles and are clean, and are made from the skin of any clean animal, such as the camel, the cow, the sheep and the like, as long as they are worn while one is in a state of Taharah. It is permissible to wipe over socks woven from cotton, wool or the like, just like leather socks, according to the most correct of two opinions held by the scholars. This is because it has been authentically reported from the Prophet that he wiped over his socks and shoes, and it has also been authentically reported from a number of the Companions. And because they (socks) are covered by the meaning of the term Khuff (leather sock), since they are utilized in the same way, the term during which they may be wiped over being a day and a night for the resident and three days and three nights for the traveller, which begins from the time they are wiped over, following the loss of Wudhu'. That is according to the most authoritative of two sayings of the scholars, based upon authentic Hadiths which have been recorded in this regard, if they are worn after completing ablution, i.e. minor ablution.

As for major ablution, they may not be wiped over, they must be removed and the feet washed, according to the authentic narration of Safwan bin 'Asal, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: "Allah's Messenger ordered us to not to remove our leather socks for three days and nights when we were travelling, unless we were in a state of major impurity (Al- Janabah), but due to defecation or urination (we need not do so)."And major ablution must be performed due to Janabah, menstruation and postnatal bleeding. As for minor ablution, it is performed due to minor defilement, such as urine, passing gas, or other such things which invalidate Wudhu'. And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 103-104

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