Preferred Actions on the Day of 'Eid

Preferred Actions on the Day of 'Eid

Question :

What actions are preferred on the day of 'Eid?


On the day of Eid, the Muslims exhibit happiness at having completed the fast, the night prayer and all of the other acts of worship, and this is one of the greatest blessings which Allah has bestowed upon His worshippers.

First of all, they should begin by making Takhir throughout the night and day of Eid, before the prayer. Then at first light, they should go out to perform this special act of worship, which is the 'Eid prayer, in a particular manner, going out to it to a place outside the town, men and women alike. Even the elderly and the ladies in seclusion, in order to witness the goodness and the supplication of the Muslims, as it is mentioned in the Hadith, then they should return happily, filled with joy at this great blessing, exchanging greetings and congratulations and visiting one another, and they should eat some breakfast as a sign that their act of worship (i.e. the fasting) is over.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 478-479

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