My Mother Loves me a Lot, But Treats me as if I were a child

My Mother Loves me a Lot, But Treats me as if I were a child

Question :

My mother loves me and cares a great deal for me, which is perhaps attributable to my being sick and weak. Her love, though, has surpassed normal bounds. I am twenty-one years old, but she treats me as if I were ten. If she thought of it, she might even feed me by hand. Despite this, I am all praise belongs to Allâh gentle with her in speech and dutiful to her.


This is how parents are; they differ in their affection and care, sometimes with a reason, sometimes without.
Perhaps in this case it is because of your sense of duty to her and obedience, your sickness, or your weakness. This extra mercy and love could cause some harm, as mentioned in the question, but the child should excuse the mother or father for such harms, and try to explain that there is no reason for this extreme care and diligence. As for the case of the parents, they must be equal in their treatment between their children, with their love and affection such that some of our pious predecessors would be careful to kiss their children equally, striving to be just and to apply the saying of the Prophet ﷺ :"Fear Allah and be just among your children."

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Page 345

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