Masjid Adh-Dhirar

Masjid Adh-Dhirar

Question :

What does this verse mean and what building is it referring to?


"The building which they huilt will never cease to be a cause of hypocrisy and doubt in their hearts,unless their hearts are cut to pieces (i.c., till they die). And Allah is All-knowing, All- Wise.

In this verse Allah Almighty is referring to the Masjid that they built it near Masjid Al-Quba, the Masjid of the true believers:
"And as for those who put up a Masjid by way of harming and dishelief, and to disunite the believers, and an outpost for those who warred against Allah and His Messenger aforetime, they will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good. Allah bears witness that they are certainly liars."

Regarding this Masjid, Allah Almighty said to His Prophet ﷺ :
"Never stand you therein. Verily, the Masjid whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety is more worthy that you stand therein (to pray). In it are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure. Is then he, who laid the foundation of his building on piety to Allah and His good pleasure, hetter, or he who laid the foundation of his building on an undetermined brink of a precipice ready to crumble down, so that it crumbled to pieces with him into the Fire of Hell, And Allah guides not the people who are the wrongdoers. The building which they built will never cease to be a cause of hypocrisy and doubt in their hearts, unless their hearts are cut to pieces (te., till they die). And Allah is All-knowing. All- Wise."

The meaning of "building" is the Masjid that the hypocrites built, the purpose of which Allâh described in the above- mentioned verse "by way of harming and disbelief, and to disunite the believers, and an outpost for those who warred against Allah and His Messenger."

Allah Almighty said:
"The building which they built will never cease to be a cause of hypocrisy and doubt in their hearts."

It will be a cause of hypocrisy and doubt in their hearts because it was built out of disobedience, which has such an effect on the heart. The doubt and hypocrisy continues until the day they die, at which time they will be heading to an even more severe punishment we seek refuge in Allah Almighty from such an. ending. The verse ends with :
"And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise."

This means that He Almighty is described by knowledge and wisdom, qualities that the two names point two, for Allah's names point not only to His Self, but also to His perfect qualities.

Therefore nothing in the earth or the heavens is hidden from the All-Knowing: His Knowledge embraces all things, forever a knowledge that is neither preceded by ignorance nor followed by forgetfulness. He is the All-Wise, which means that His Wisdom is complete. Hikmah (wisdom) means to put each. thing in its proper place, but the name Al-Hakim is also from the word Al-Hukm, which means mastery and dominion, and Allah Almighty has dominion in this world and in the Hereafter, in affairs of the Universe and in religious rulings. Each one of these two meanings indicate that Allah is Al-Hakim. And Allah Almighty is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 98-98-100

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