It is Not Incumbent Upon the Husband to Pay for the Treatment of His Wife

It is Not Incumbent Upon the Husband to Pay for the Treatment of His Wife

Question :

Is it a legal obligation upon a man to meet the cost of his wife's treatment? And what is the ruling on one who refuses her treatment?


It is not an obligation upon the husband to pay the cost of his wife's treatment, nor the cost of the medicines, nor the doctor's fee, because this is not a part of her normal essential needs; rather it is something temporary, so it is not required of him. This is what the scholars of Figh have said. However, this might be revised, in favor of the prevailing conditions, since the custom in these times is that the husband undertakes this, so if he did it as a custom, it would be an act of generosity, virtue and righteousness.

Ibn Jibreen.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Page 184

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