He was Junub and He did not perform Ghusl

He was Junub and He did not perform Ghusl

Question :

I used to masturbate and I did not make Ghusl and I would pray and fast without Ghusl, as I did not know that it was an obligation upon me to make Ghusl due to this action of mine, and I do not know how many Rak'ahs I prayed (in this state)..


You have committed a grave error, because masturbation is forbidden, even though some scholars permit it for those who fear that they may commit adultery. Secondly, you have made a mistake by not asking about the ruling. However you are pardoned due to ignorance, the passing of time, and the difficulty of making up the many prayers (you have missed). But you should perform as many non-obligatory prayers and acts of worship as you can, and Allah will pardon what has passed. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 242

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