Cutting Trees of the Graveyard in order to protect the Graves and close off openings

Cutting Trees of the Graveyard in order to protect the Graves and close off openings

Question :

There is a graveyard in my village that has some log trees in it. Under these trees are rat holes. When it rains, the rainwater enters the graves by way of these holes. Then, the foxes come and make the holes even larger and they take out some of the bones of the deceased people. Therefore, is it permissible to cut these trees in order to close off the openings of the graves?


If the matter is as the questioner mentioned in his question, from the picture given of the situation regarding these trees and what is under them of rats' homes and foxes overcoming them with mischief, then there appears to be no harm in cutting the trees and sealing the openings of the rats' homes. This may be done as means of protecting the graves from the rains, and the mischief of the foxes and others with the bones of the deceased. And success is with Allâh. May Allâh send blessings and peace upon Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 143-144

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