Burying the Deceased with another Person

Burying the Deceased with another Person

Question :

My mother died at the age of almost eighty-five years and she was buried with another woman who died three years before her. So, what is the ruling of the Islamic law.


It is not permissible to bury someone along with another deceased person as long as there is anything left of his (the person already in the grave) corpse. Based upon this, it is obligatory to bury each dead person in a separate grave. So, if the people dig and something is found from the wrappings of (other) dead people, it is obligatory to bury it back by covering it up with earth and then searching for another (place for the) grave, even if it is far away. This is due to the sacredness of the Muslim, even if he is dead. It has been related in a Hadith that breaking the bone of the deceased is like breaking the bone of the living.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 76

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