Are These Names Correct?

Are These Names Correct?

Question :

Tả Hã, Ya Sin, Khabbab, 'Abdul-Muttallib, Al-Habbab, Qarun, Al-Walid is it permissible for a Muslim to use these names? And are Tå Hä and Ya Sin from the names of the Prophet ﷺ ?


It is allowed to use these names because of the absence of evidence that would prevent doing so. But, it is better for a believer to chose from the best of names, that indicates his worship of Allah such as 'Abdullah, Abdur-Rahman, 'Abdul- Malik, etc.

Likewise, popular names like Salih and Muhammad are better than Qarun and other similar names. 'Abdul-Muttallib is an exception since the Prophet ﷺ allowed some of the Companions to have this name.

So it is not allowed to name oneself as an 'Abd (slave, servant or worshipper) to other than Allah, no matter who that is, like the name 'Abdun-Nabi, 'Abdul-Hussayn, and 'Abdul-Ka'bah. Abu Muhammad Ibn Hazm mentioned that there is a consensus among the scholars on the prohibition of these names.

And, "Tä Ha" and "Ya Sin" are not from the Prophet's names, according to the correct view of the scholars; rather, these are among the individual letters at the beginning of Surahs of the Qur'an, just as the letters Qaf, Nun and Sad etc.

And with Allâh is the facilitation to do what is right.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 210-211

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