Appointing someone else for Hajj

Appointing someone else for Hajj

Question :

Aman decided to spend in charity to perform Hajj for both his father and his mother. Then he gave the Hajj (money) of his father to a woman so that she could give it to her husband in order for him to perform Hajj with it for the father. He also gave his mother's Hajj (money) to this same woman (to perform it for his mother). Therefore, he asks what is the ruling on that?


In reference to your charity for both your father and mother for Hajj, this is an aspect of kindness and goodness, and Allâh will give you tremendous reward for this kindness.

In reference to your giving the money that you intended to be for Hajj on behalf of your father to a woman, who gave it to her husband so that he could perform (the father's) Hajj with it, this is your entrusting this woman according to what you have described. Entrusting someone else in this matter is permissible and appointing someone else to perform Hajj is permissible if the appointed person has already performed Hajj for himself. This is like the situation regarding what you paid to the woman to perform Hajj for your mother. Verily, appointing a woman to perform the Hajj for another woman and for a man is permissible. This is due to the confirmed evidences that have been reported from the Messenger of Allâh concerning that. However, whoever wants to appoint someone to perform Hajj, they should look carefully at the person that they wish to appoint to make sure that he is from the religious people and those who are trustworthy. This is so that he can feel secure that the person will perform what is obligatory, and success is from Allah. May Allâh send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 69-70

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