Advice to Those Performing Hajj to the Sacred House of Allâh

Advice to Those Performing Hajj to the Sacred House of Allâh

All praise is due to Allâh alone and may prayers of blessing and peace be upon His servant and Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and Companions and whoever followed them in righteousness until the Day of Judgement.

O Muslims, who have come for Hajj to the Sacred House of Allah, I ask Allâh for success for you and us in doing that which pleases Him and safety from the deceptions of evil temptations. Likewise, I ask Him to give all of you success in offering your Hajj rites in the manner which pleases Him, and that He accept it from you, and return you to your lands safe and successful. Verily, He is the Best Who is asked.

O Muslims! Verily, my advice to everyone is to fear Allâh in all situations, and to stand firmly upon His religion, and to beware of those things that cause His anger. Verily, the most important of the mandatory acts and the greatest of the obligations is the Tawhid of Allâh and sincerity in singling Him out for all acts of worship. This goes along with being concerned about following His Messenger in statements and deeds. Verily, the rites of Hajj and the rest of the acts of worship should be performed in the manner that Allâh legislated for His servants upon the tongue of His Messenger, His Khalil and His chosen one among His creation, our Prophet, Imam and leader, Muhammad bin 'Abdullah.

Verily, the greatest of evil acts and the most dangerous of crimes is to associate partners with Allâh. This is by directing worship or some acts of worship to other than Allâh. This is due to Allâh's Statement:
"Verily, Allâh does not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives whatever is less than that (of sins) for whomever He wishes."

And His Statement while addressing His Prophet Muhammad:
"Indeed it has been revealed to you (O Muhammad) and to those who were before you that if you associate partners (with Allah), your deeds will be wasted and you will certainly be among the losers."

O you who are performing Hajj to the Sacred House of Allâh! Verily, our Prophet did not perform Hajj after his migration to Al-Madinah except for once, and that was the Farewell Hajj. That was at the end of his life. During it he taught the people their Hajj rites by his statements and deeds. He said to them:
"Take your Hajj rites from me."

Thus, it is obligatory upon all of the Muslims to follow him in that and to perform their Hajj rites in the manner that he legislated for them. This is because he is the guiding teacher, and Allâh sent him as a mercy for all the worlds and as finality for the servants (of Allâh). Thus, Allâh commanded His servants to obey him (the Prophet), and He clarified that following him is a cause for entering Paradise and being saved from the Fire. He explained that he (the Prophet) was the proof of the servant's true love for his Lord and Allâh's love for the servant. This is as Allâh said:
"And whatever the Messenger gives you take it and whatever he forbids you from, abstain from it."

And He said:
"And establish the prayer and pay Az-Zakah, and obey the Messenger so that perhaps you may receive mercy."

And He said:
"Indeed there is a good example for you all in the Messenger of Allah, for whoever hopes in (meeting) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much."

And He said:
"Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, He will cause him to enter Gardens with rivers flowing beneath them. They will remain in them (these gardens) forever, and that is the supreme success.

And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, and transgresses

His (set) limits, He will cause him to enter a Fire to abide therein forever, and he will have a disgraceful torment."

And He said:
"Say (Muhammad): 'O mankind! Verily, I am the Messenger of Allah to all of you. (He is) the One to Whom belong the heavens and the earth. There is none worthy of being worshiped but Him. He gives life and causes death.' So, believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet who believes in Allah and His Words, and follow him so that perhaps you may be guided "

And He said:
"Say (Muhammad): If you all love Allah, then follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive you for your sins."

The Verses with this meaning are numerous.

Therefore, my advice to all of you and to myself is to fear Allâh in all situations and be truthful in following His Prophet, Muhammad, in his statements and actions so that you will be successful with happiness and salvation in this life and the Hereafter.

O you who are performing Hajj to the Sacred House of Allâh! Verily, when it was the 8th of Thul-Hijjah, our Prophet Muhammad set out from Makkah Al-Mukarramah to Mina while saying the Talbiyyah. He ordered his Companions to assume Ihram with intentions for Hajj from their places (in Makkah) and to set out for Mina. He did not command them to make Tawaf for leaving Makkah (Tawaful-Wada'). This proves that the Sunnah for whoever wants to perform Hajj from the people of Makkah, those who are staying in Makkah, those who have removed their Ihram after their 'Umrah and the other people making Hajj, to leave for Mina on the 8th day saying the Talbiyyah for Hajj. They are not required to go to the Sacred Mosque to make Tawaf around the Ka'bah for leaving Makkah (Tawaful-Wada").

It is recommended for the Muslim when assuming his Ihram for Hajj to do what he does at the Miqat when assuming Ihram, such as complete bathing, applying fragrance and cleaning himself.

This is as the Prophet ordered 'A'ishah to do when she wanted to assume Ihram for Hajj, and she had previously assumed Ihram for 'Umrah, but her menstrual cycle began when entering Makkah. Thus, she was unable to perform the Tawaf before leaving to Mina and he ordered her to bathe and assume Ihram for Hajj (while in Makkah). So, she did that and she combined Hajj and Umrah (as Qiran).

Indeed the Messenger of Allâh and his Companions offered Az-Zuhr, Al-'Asr, Al-Maghrib, Al-'Isha' and Al-Fajr prayers in Mina. They shortened the (four Rak'ah) prayers without combining them (the prayers). This is the Sunnah in following the Prophet. It is also Sunnah for the people performing Hajj to occupy themselves with saying the Talbiyyah, remembering Allâh, reciting the Qur'an and other acts from the aspects of goodness. This includes giving Da'wah (i.e., calling others) to Allah, commanding the good and forbidding the evil, and being kind to the poor.

When the sun rose on the day of 'Arafah, the Prophet and his Companions set out to 'Arafat. Some of them said the Talbiyyah and some of them magnified Allâh's Greatness. When he arrived at 'Arafat, the Prophet settled down in a tent made of fur that was set up for him there, and he relaxed under its shade. This proves the permissibility of the Hajj pilgrims seeking shade with tents, trees and similar things.

When the sun passed its apex at midday, the Prophet mounted his riding animal and gave a sermon (Khutbah) to the people. He reminded them and taught them the rites of their Hajj. He warned them against Ar-Riba (usury and interest dealings) and the deeds of the pre-Islamic days of ignorance. He informed them that their blood, their property and their honors were sacred among them. He commanded them to adhere to the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of His Messenger. He informed them that they would never go astray as long as they adhered to the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of His Messenger

Thus, it is obligatory upon all of the Muslims and other than them to adhere to this advice and to stand firmly upon it wherever they are. It is obligatory upon all the rulers of the Muslims to hold on to the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and to judge according to them in all of their affairs. They must also make their nations adhere to seeking judgement in the Islamic law. This is the path of might, honor, happiness and salvation in this life and in the Hereafter. May Allâh help everyone to do this.

Then the Prophet led the people in Az-Zuhr and Al-'Asr prayers, shortening and combining them in the time of the first of them (Az-Zuhr) with one Athan (before them) and two Iqamahs (one for each of them). Then he went to his place of standing and he faced the Qiblah and he remained upon his mount remembering Allâh, making supplications to Him and raising his hands in supplication until sunset. He was not fasting that day, so it is known from this that what is legislated for the Hajj pilgrims is that they do as he did at 'Arafat. They should occupy themselves with the remembrance of Allah, supplicating and saying the Talbiyyah until sunset. They should raise their hands in supplication and they should not be fasting. Indeed it has been confirmed from the Messenger of Allâh that he said:

"There is no single day during which more people are freed from the Fire than the day of 'Arafah. Verily He, the Glorified, draws near and He boasts about them (His servants) to His angels."

It has been reported from him that Allâh says to the angels on the day of 'Arafah:
"Look at My servants. They have come to Me, disheveled and dusty, seeking My Mercy. I call you all to witness that verily I have forgiven them."

It has been authenticated from him that he said:
"I have stood here and all of 'Arafat is a place of standing.

Then, after sunset, the Messenger of Allâh set out to Muzdalifah while saying the Talbiyyah, and he prayed Al- Maghrib with three Rak'ahs and Al-'Isha' with two Rak'ahs there (at Muzdalifah). This was done with one Athan and two Iqamahs. Then he spent the night there and prayed Al-Fajr there along with its Sunnah prayer (before it), with one Athan and one Iqamah. Then he went to Al-Mash'ar (the Sacred Site) and remembered Allâh there, declared His Greatness and His Oneness, and supplicated while raising his hands. He said:
"I have stood here, and all of Jam' (i.e., Muzdalifah) is a place of standing."

This proves that all of Muzdalifah is a place of standing for the Hajj pilgrims. Each pilgrim spends the night at his place and he remembers Allâh and seeks His forgiveness at his place. There is no need for him to go to the standing place of the Prophet. The Prophet permitted the weak people to leave during the night of Muzdalifah back to Mina during the night. This proves that there is no sin upon the weak among the women, the sick people, the elderly, and whoever is required to accompany them to leave from Muzdalifah going back to Mina during the last half of the night. This is in acting according to the concession and avoiding hardship and crowding. It is also permissible for them to throw their pebbles at the stone pillar during the night, as is confirmed from Umm Salamah and Asma' bint Abu Bakr Asma' bint Abu Bakr mentioned that the Prophet permitted that for the women.

Then, after it when there was sufficient light, he moved to Mina while saying the Talbiyyah and heading for Jamratul-'Aqabah (the largest stone pillar). He stoned it with seven pebbles while declaring Allâh's Greatness (i.e., saying 'Allahu Akbar') with each stone. Then he sacrificed his sacrificial animal. Then he shaved his head. Then 'A'ishah applied fragrance to him. Then he set out to the House (the Ka'bah) and made Tawaf around it. The Prophet was asked on the day of Sacrifice (the 10th of Thul- Hijjah) about the person who slaughtered before stoning the pillar, the person who shaved his head before slaughtering, and the one who made the Tawaf around the House before stoning. So, he said (about all of that):
"No problem."

The narrator of this Hadith said that he was not asked about anything being done early or late on that day except that he said:
"Do it and there is no harm (in that)."

A man asked him: "O Messenger of Allâh, I performed Sa'y before performing Tawaf." The Prophet said:
"No problem."

Thus, it is known by this that the Sunnah for the Hajj pilgrims is to begin with stoning the pillar on the day of the 'Eid, then sacrifice an animal if they are obligated to do so, and then shave their heads or shorten their hair. Shaving the head is better than shortening the hair, for verily, the Prophet prayed for forgiveness and mercy three times for those who shaved their heads. However, he only prayed once for those who shorten their hair. With this, the pilgrim achieves the first step of leaving Ihram. Thus, he wears sewn garments, he applies fragrances, and everything is permissible for him that was forbidden during Thram, except having sex with women. Then he goes to the House (the Ka'bah) and performs Tawaf around it either on the day of the 'Eid or after it. He also performs Sa'y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah if he was performing Hajjut- Tamattu'. With this, everything becomes lawful for him that was forbidden during Ihram, even having sex with women. However, if he was performing Hajjul-Ifrad or Hajjul-Qiran, his first Sa'y suffices him that he made when he performed the Tawaf of Arrival. If he did not perform Sa'y with the Tawaf of Arrival, he must perform Sa'y with Tawaful-fadhah (Tawaf for returning to Makkah after Arafah).

Then he went back to Mina and he remained there for the rest of the day of 'Eid, the 11th, the 12th and the 13th of Thul- Hijjah. He threw pebbles at the stone pillars every day during the days of At-Tashreeq (the 11th, 12th and 13th of Thul-Hijjah) after the sun declined past its apex at midday. He would throw seven pebbles at each stone pillar while declaring Allâh's Greatness (i.e., saying 'Allahu Akbar') with each pebble. He would supplicate while raising his hands after finishing with the first stone pillar and the second stone pillar. He would place the first stone pillar on his left when he supplicated and the second on his right (when supplicating). However, he would not stand for supplications at the third pillar. Then, on the 13th day of Thul-Hijjah, after stoning the pillars, he pushed on (leaving Mina) and settled at Al-Abtah. There he offered Az-Zuhr, Al- 'Asr, Al-Maghrib and Al-'Isha' prayers. Then he settled in Makkah at the end of the night and led the people in Al-Fajr prayer. He then made the Farewell Tawaf (Tawaful-Wada) and set out for Al-Madinah after the prayer on the morning of the 14th of Thul-Hijjah. May the best prayers of blessing and peace be upon him from his Lord.

It is known from this that the Sunnah for the Hajj pilgrim is to do as he did during the days of Mina. Thus, he should stone the three pillars after the sun declines from its apex at midday during each day. He should stone each one with seven pebbles and declare Allâh's Greatness with each pebble. It is legislated for him to stand for supplications after stoning the first pillar. He should face the Qiblah while raising his hands and supplicating, and he should place the pillar on his left side. After stoning the second pillar he should stand for supplications in the same manner and place the pillar on his right side. This is recommended and it is not obligatory. However, he should not stand for supplicating after stoning the third pillar. If it is not easy for him to stone the pillars after midday and before sunset, he may stone it for that day at night until the end of the night according to the most correct view of the two opinions of the scholars. This is a mercy from Allâh upon His servants and a way of casing matters upon them. Whoever wishes to leave on the 12th day after stoning the pillars, there is no harm in that.

Whoever wants to stay until stoning the pillars on the 13th day, then that is better, as it agrees with action of the Prophet. It is Sunnah for the Hajj pilgrim to spend the night in Mina during the nights of the 11th and 12th of Thul-Hijjah. According to many of the people of knowledge this spending of the night is obligatory. It suffices to spend most of the night there (in Mina) if that is easy. Whoever has an Islamically legislated excuse, like the messengers and shepherds and similar people (whose jobs require them not to stay in Mina), then spending the night there is not obligatory on them. Concerning the 13th night, it is not obligatory upon the Hajj pilgrims to spend the night in Mina if they are in a hurry to leave and they set out before sunset. However, whoever is caught by night in Mina, then he must spend the 13th night there and stone the pillars after midday on the 13th. Then he may leave. No one is obligated to stone the pillars after the 13th, even if they stay in Mina.

When the Hajj pilgrim wishes to travel to his homeland, he must make Tawaf around the House (the Ka'bah) for leaving. He makes seven trips around the Ka'bah. This is due to the Prophet's statement:
"None of you should leave until he makes his last act at the House (the Ka'bah, i.e., Tawaf)."

However, the menstruating woman and the woman with postnatal bleeding are not obligated to perform the Farewell Tawaf. This is due to what is confirmed from Ibn 'Abbas that he said, "The people were ordered that their last act be at the House (i.e., Tawaf), but the matter was eased (i.e., not stipulated) for the menstruating woman."

Whoever delays the Tawaf of Al-Ifadhah (for returning to Makkah after 'Arafat) and he performs Tawaf when he is ready to travel, that suffices him for Al-Wada'. This is due to the generality of the two mentioned Hadiths. I ask Allâh that He help everyone to do what pleases Him and that He accepts (our Hajj) from you and us. I ask Him to make you and us from those who are freed from the Fire. Verily, He is in control of that and capable of doing it. May Allâh send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

His Eminence also gave another Statement of Advice to the Hajj Pilgrims. The following is the Text of his Statement:

From 'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz to whoever sees it of the Muslims may Allâh help them to do that which contains His Pleasure, Aameen.

Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allâh. To proceed:

Indeed Allah has made cooperating in righteousness and piety and advising every Muslim obligatory. It has reached me from some of the brothers that some of the Hajj pilgrims who are present in Mina annoy their neighbors with smoking and songs. There is no doubt that annoying the Muslims is from the well known forbidden acts in the religion. This is as Allâh said:
"And those who annoy the believing men and the believing women undeservedly, they bear (on themselves) the crime of slander and plain sin."

If the annoyance is by smoking or turning on the radio or tape players with songs, then the harm is even greater and the sin is even more severe. This is because singing is forbidden, and likewise, smoking is from the forbidden things that are harmful to the religion, the worldly affairs and the health. Indeed Allâh said:
"And among mankind there are those who purchase idle talks (ie., music, singing) to mislead (people) from the path of Allah."

Most of the scholars said that the meaning of 'idle talks' is singing and musical instruments.

Also, Allâh said:
"They ask you what He (Allah) has made lawful for them. Say, He has made lawful for you the good things."

He (Allâh) said in describing His Prophet:

"And he forbids for them the Khaba'ith (ie., all evil and unlawful things, deeds, beliefs, foods and persons)."

Thus, the Supreme Master (Allâh) explained that only the good things are lawful for His servants, and His Prophet only allowed the good things for his Ummah. These are the beneficial things that are not harmful. However, cigarettes are from the things that are harmful and disgusting. Those who are familiar with cigarette smoking among the doctors and others have agreed that it is harmful to the health, having bad consequences and a foul odor.

May Allâh help all to understand the religion and be firm upon it, and may He protect everyone from the evil prompting of Satan.

Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allâh.

The General President for the Administrations of Scientific Researches, Religious Verdicts, Preaching and Guidance.
'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages from 21 to 33

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