A Person Who Rejects Authentic Hadiths

A Person Who Rejects Authentic Hadiths

Question :

What is the ruling regarding those who reject authentic Hadiths mentioned in the Two Sahihs such as the Hadith about the punishment in the grave, the night journey of the Prophet, about magic, about intercession, or about people coming out of the Fire? Can we pray behind such people or exchange Salams with them? Or should we forsake their company altogether?


All praise is for Allâh Almighty alone. May Allah send peace and blessings upon His Messenger, his family, and his Companions.

The people of knowledge - the scholars of Hadith - should meet with them to inform them that those Hadiths are authentic and to explain to them the meanings of those Hadiths. If they persist in rejecting or distorting authentic Hadiths, following their desires and false assumptions, then they are evil-doers whose company must be forsaken, so that one may protect himself from their evil. One may speak to them only if it is to advise and guide them. The ruling for praying behind them is the same as the ruling for praying behind a wicked evil-doer, and it is safer to not pray behind them, because some of the people of knowledge have declared them to be disbelievers.

And guidance lies with Allah. May Allah send peace and blessings upon Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Page 217

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